실내 미세먼지의 관리 여부와 외부 마스크 착용 여부에 따라 '코'나 '목'의 (콧물, 가래나 불편함)상태가 바뀌는 것을 체감한 후부터는 항상 실내 이산화탄소와 미세먼지 수치를 관리하고 있습니다. 특히 실내 초미세와 미세먼지 수치는 5㎍/㎥ 미만으로 365일 24시간 관리하고 있습니다.
거실에 놓아둔 라즈베리파이 7인치 모니터로 Home Assistant가 표시되는 부모님 댁과 달리, 저는 컴퓨터나 스마트폰으로만 확인이 가능했는데, 잉여로 남아 돌던 e-ink 2.7인치에 표시해 보았습니다.
간단하지만 좋네요.
내용도 추가하고 한글 출력 및 3D 인쇄한 케이스도 부착해 보았습니다.
참고로 3D 케이스는 아직도(!) 설계 툴을 배우지 않고 ChatGPT를 괴롭혔습니다. OpenSCAD를 사용하여 .SCAD로부터 .SLT를 만들 수 있었습니다. 인쇄 중에 문제가 있었긴 했는데, 나중에 칼로 잘 잘라내고 긁어냈습니다. 아무래도 인쇄 재료 아끼는 것 때문에 문제가 있었던 것 같고 빼는 것이 나을 것 같습니다.
# 내부가 비어 있는 직육면체가 필요합니다.
# 직육면체의 외곽 크기는 84x58x8 (단위: mm) 이고, 윗면 케이스만 있으면 되고, 아랫면은 비워주세요.
# 전체적인 케이스의 두께는 6mm이고, 특별히 LCD를 결합할 윗면은 2mm로 해주세요.
# LCD viewing 영역은 뚫어 주어야 하는데, 윗면 기준으로 좌표는 mm단위로 좌상단 (17, 10)과 우하단 (74, 48)입니다.
# 3D 인쇄 재료를 아낄 수 있게 해주고, 모서리 r도 적당히 추가해 주세요.
from solid import *
from solid.utils import *
# Dimensions in mm
outer_dimensions = [84, 58, 8] # Length, width, height
wall_thickness = 3 # Reduced to save material
lcd_cover_thickness = 2
lcd_viewing_area_top_left = [17, 10]
lcd_viewing_area_bottom_right = [74, 48]
corner_radius = 2 # Small rounding for edges
# Create the outer box with rounded corners
def create_case():
outer_box = rounded_cube(outer_dimensions, corner_radius)
# Subtract the inner box to create the hollow structure
inner_dimensions = [
outer_dimensions[0] - 2 * wall_thickness,
outer_dimensions[1] - 2 * wall_thickness,
inner_box = translate([wall_thickness, wall_thickness, 0])(rounded_cube(inner_dimensions, corner_radius))
hollow_case = outer_box - inner_box
# Create the LCD cover part (2mm thick)
lcd_cover = cube([
], center=False)
# Add the viewing area cutout
lcd_viewing_area = translate([
lcd_viewing_area_bottom_right[0] - lcd_viewing_area_top_left[0],
lcd_viewing_area_bottom_right[1] - lcd_viewing_area_top_left[1],
], center=False))
lcd_cover_with_cutout = lcd_cover - lcd_viewing_area
# Combine the hollow case and the LCD cover
final_case = hollow_case + translate([0, 0, outer_dimensions[2] - lcd_cover_thickness])(lcd_cover_with_cutout)
return final_case
# Rounded cube function
def rounded_cube(size, radius):
return minkowski()(cube(size), sphere(radius))
# Generate the 3D model
case_model = create_case()
# Save the model to an STL file
scad_render_to_file(case_model, 'rectangular_case.scad')
[사용 장치]
- 2.7인치 e-ink 디스플레이 : 원래 RPi용 HAT에 붙어 있던 것을 떼어 내어 이용(제품 설명)
- Waveshare e-Paper ESP8266 Driver Board(제품 설명)
[ESPHome 코드]
Home Assistant에 HACS를 통해 설치한 네이버 날씨 정보에서 외부 초미세먼지를 가져오고, ESP8266보드 기반 DIY로 만든 미세먼지센서(SDS021)와 이산화탄소센서(MH-Z19B)는 ESPHome을 통해 Home Assitant로 연결되어 있습니다.
ESP8266 Driver Board에 올린 ESPHome .YAML 파일 내용은 다음과 같습니다.
name: epaper8266
board: nodemcu
# Enable logging
# Enable Home Assistant API
password: ""
- platform: esphome
password: ""
ssid: !secret ssid
password: !secret password
# domain: !secret domain
# Set this to the IP of the ESP
# Set this to the IP address of the router. Often ends with .1
# The subnet of the network. works for most home networks.
- platform: homeassistant
id: ntp
# fonts directory and ttf file are required
- file: "NanumBarunGothic-YetHangul.ttf"
id: font1
size: 24
glyphs: |-
!"%()+=,-_./:°℃℉✽㎍[]0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz초미세먼지외부내이산화탄소
clk_pin: D5
mosi_pin: D7
# Your sensor values of target Home Assistant
- platform: homeassistant
entity_id: sensor.2_5um
id: indoor_pm25
internal: true
- platform: homeassistant
entity_id: sensor.naver_weather_ultrafinedust_1
id: outdoor_pm25
internal: true
- platform: homeassistant
entity_id: sensor.mh_z19_co2_value
id: co2
internal: true
- platform: homeassistant
entity_id: sensor.mi_air_purifier_2s_humidity
id: indoor_humidity
internal: true
- platform: homeassistant
entity_id: sensor.naver_weather_nowtemp_1 # 현재 온도
id: nowtemp
- platform: waveshare_epaper
cs_pin: D8
dc_pin: D2
busy_pin: D1
reset_pin: D4
model: 2.70in
rotation: 270
update_interval: 60s
lambda: |-
// position
#define xRes 264
#define yRes 176
#define pad 10
it.strftime(0 + pad, 0 + pad, id(font1), "%m월%d일(%a) %H:%M", id(ntp).now());
it.printf(0 + pad, 10 + pad + 24, id(font1), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "✽ 외부 PM2.5: %.0f㎍", id(outdoor_pm25).state);
it.printf(0 + pad, 10 + pad + 24 * 2, id(font1), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "✽ 실내 PM2.5: %.0f㎍", id(indoor_pm25).state);
it.printf(0 + pad, 10 + pad + 24 * 3, id(font1), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "✽ 이산화탄소: %.0fppm", id(co2).state);
it.printf(0 + pad, 10 + pad + 24 * 4, id(font1), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "✽ 실내 습도: %.0f%%", id(indoor_humidity).state);
it.printf(0 + pad, 10 + pad + 24 * 5, id(font1), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "✽ 현재 온도: %.0f℃", id(nowtemp).state);
아래는 7.5인치에 Waveshare ESP32 driver board로 구현한 것입니다. 이케아의 포토프레임에 넣어 보았습니다.
name: esp32-eink75
board: esp32dev
type: arduino
# Enable logging
# Enable Home Assistant API
password: ""
platform: esphome
password: ""
ssid: !secret ssid
password: !secret password
# domain: !secret domain
# manual_ip:
# Set this to the IP of the ESP
# static_ip:
# Set this to the IP address of the router. Often ends with .1
# gateway:
# The subnet of the network. works for most home networks.
# subnet:
ssid: "Esp32-Eink75 Fallback Hotspot"
password: "vzdz2ed5KqFN"
- platform: homeassistant
id: ntp
# ttf files are required
- file: "NanumBarunGothic-YetHangul.ttf"
id: font1
size: 32
glyphs: |-
!"%()+=,-_./:°℃℉✽㎍[]0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz초미세먼지외부내이산화탄소
- file: "materialdesignicons-webfont.ttf"
id: mdi
size: 40
- "\U000F0590" # mdi-weather-cloudy
- "\U000F0F2F" # mdi-weather-cloudy-alert
- "\U000F0E6E" # mdi-weather-cloudy-arrow-right
- "\U000F0591" # mdi-weather-fog
- "\U000F0592" # mdi-weather-hail
- "\U000F0F30" # mdi-weather-hazy
- "\U000F0898" # mdi-weather-hurricane
- "\U000F0593" # mdi-weather-lightning
- "\U000F067E" # mdi-weather-lightning-rainy
- "\U000F0594" # mdi-weather-night
- "\U000F0F31" # mdi-weather-night-partly-cloudy
- "\U000F0595" # mdi-weather-partly-cloudy
- "\U000F0F32" # mdi-weather-partly-lightning
- "\U000F0F33" # mdi-weather-partly-rainy
- "\U000F0F34" # mdi-weather-partly-snowy
- "\U000F0F35" # mdi-weather-partly-snowy-rainy
- "\U000F0596" # mdi-weather-pouring
- "\U000F0597" # mdi-weather-rainy
- "\U000F0598" # mdi-weather-snowy
- "\U000F0F36" # mdi-weather-snowy-heavy
- "\U000F067F" # mdi-weather-snowy-rainy
- "\U000F0599" # mdi-weather-sunny
- "\U000F0F37" # mdi-weather-sunny-alert
- "\U000F14E4" # mdi-weather-sunny-off
- "\U000F059A" # mdi-weather-sunset
- "\U000F059B" # mdi-weather-sunset-down
- "\U000F059C" # mdi-weather-sunset-up
- "\U000F0F38" # mdi-weather-tornado
- "\U000F059D" # mdi-weather-windy
- "\U000F059E" # mdi-weather-windy-variant
- "\U000F17FF" # mdi-sun-wireless-outline
- "\U000F018C" # mdi-compass-outline
- "\U000F0D43" # mdi-air-filter
- "\U000F0D44" # mdi-air-purifier
- "\U000F1586" # mdi-face-mask
- "\U000F1587" # mdi-face-mask-outline
- "\U000F11DC" # mdi-window-open-variant
- "\U000F13E1" # mdi-umbrella-closed-outline
# Your sensor values of target Home Assistant
- platform: homeassistant
entity_id: sensor.pm_2_5mm # 초미세먼지(실내) DIY 센서
id: indoor_pm25
internal: true
- platform: homeassistant
entity_id: sensor.comisemeonji # 초미세먼지
id: outdoor_pm25
internal: true
- platform: homeassistant
entity_id: sensor.mh_z19_co2_value # 이산화탄소 DIY 센서
id: co2
internal: true
- platform: homeassistant
entity_id: sensor.misemeonji # 미세먼지
id: outdoor_pm10
internal: true
- platform: homeassistant
entity_id: sensor.hyeonjaeondo # 현재 온도
id: nowtemp
internal: true
- platform: homeassistant
entity_id: sensor.coegoondo # 오늘 최고 온도
id: todaymaxtemp
internal: true
- platform: homeassistant
entity_id: sensor.naeilcoegoondo # 내일최고온도
id: tomorrowmaxtemp
internal: true
- platform: homeassistant
entity_id: sensor.naeilcoejeoondo # 내일최저온도
id: tomorrowmintemp
internal: true
- platform: homeassistant
entity_id: sensor.hyeonjaenalssi # 현재 날씨
id: nowweather
internal: true
- platform: homeassistant
entity_id: sensor.naeilojeonnalssi # 내일오전날씨
id: tomorrowweather1
internal: true
- platform: homeassistant
entity_id: sensor.naeilohunalssi # 내일오후날씨
id: tomorrowweather2
internal: true
- platform: homeassistant
entity_id: sensor.bisijagsiganoneul # 오늘 비시작 시간
id: todayraintime
internal: true
- id: color_black
red: 0%
green: 0%
blue: 0%
white: 0%
- id: color_white
red: 0%
green: 0%
blue: 0%
white: 100%
- id: color_red
red: 100%
green: 0%
blue: 0%
white: 0%
clk_pin: GPIO13
mosi_pin: GPIO14
- platform: waveshare_epaper
cs_pin: GPIO15
dc_pin: GPIO27
busy_pin: GPIO25
reset_pin: GPIO26
model: 7.50in-bv3 # -bwr #7.50in-bv3
rotation: 270
update_interval: 60s
lambda: |-
// https://github.com/Nerdiyde/ESPHomeSnippets
// Map weather states to MDI characters.
std::map<std::string, std::string> weather_icon_map
{"구름많음", "\U000F0590"},
{"안개", "\U000F0591"},
{"흐림", "\U000F0595"},
{"가끔비", "\U000F0F33"},
{"가끔눈", "\U000F0F34"},
{"가끔비눈", "\U000F0F35"},
{"폭우", "\U000F0596"},
{"비", "\U000F0597"},
{"눈", "\U000F0598"},
{"폭설", "\U000F0F36"},
{"비눈", "\U000F067F"},
{"맑음", "\U000F0599"},
std::map<std::string, std::string> etc_icon_map
{"airfilter", "\U000F0D43"},
{"airpurifier", "\U000F0D44"},
{"facemask", "\U000F1586"},
{"facemask_outline", "\U000F1587"},
{"window_open_variant", "\U000F11DC"},
{"umbrella_closed_outline", "\U000F13E1"},
// position
#define padx 24
#define pady 72
if(id(nowweather).state != "") {
it.strftime(padx, pady, id(font1), " %Y-%m-%d %a %H: %M", id(ntp).now());
it.printf(padx, pady + 36 * 2, id(font1), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "[ 외부 ]");
it.printf(padx, pady + 36 * 3, id(font1), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "✽ 미세먼지: %.0f㎍", id(outdoor_pm10).state);
if(id(outdoor_pm10).state > 15) {
it.printf(padx + 350, pady + 36 * 3, id(mdi), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "%s", etc_icon_map["facemask_outline"].c_str());
it.printf(padx, pady + 36 * 4, id(font1), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "✽ 초미세먼지: %.0f㎍", id(outdoor_pm25).state);
if(id(outdoor_pm25).state > 10) {
it.printf(padx + 350, pady + 36 * 4, id(mdi), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "%s", etc_icon_map["facemask_outline"].c_str());
it.printf(padx, pady + 36 * 5, id(font1), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "[ 실내 ]");
it.printf(padx, pady + 36 * 6, id(font1), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "✽ 초미세먼지: %.0f㎍", id(indoor_pm25).state);
if(id(indoor_pm25).state > 5) {
it.printf(padx + 350, pady + 36 * 6, id(mdi), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "%s", etc_icon_map["airfilter"].c_str());
it.printf(padx, pady + 36 * 7, id(font1), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "✽ 이산화탄소: %.0fppm", id(co2).state);
if(id(co2).state > 800) {
it.printf(padx + 350, pady + 36 * 7, id(mdi), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "%s", etc_icon_map["window_open_variant"].c_str());
it.printf(padx, pady + 36 * 8, id(font1), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "[ 오늘 ]");
it.printf(padx, pady + 36 * 9, id(font1), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "✽ 현재 날씨: %s", id(nowweather).state.c_str());
it.printf(padx + 350, pady + 36 * 9, id(mdi), color_red, TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "%s", weather_icon_map[id(nowweather).state.c_str()].c_str());
it.printf(padx, pady + 36 * 10, id(font1), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "✽ 현재 온도: %.0f℃", id(nowtemp).state);
it.printf(padx, pady + 36 * 11, id(font1), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "✽ 최고 온도: %.0f℃", id(todaymaxtemp).state);
it.printf(padx, pady + 36 * 12, id(font1), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "✽ 비 시작: %s", id(todayraintime).state.c_str());
if(strcmp(id(todayraintime).state.c_str(), "비안옴") != 0) {
it.printf(padx + 350, pady + 36 * 12, id(mdi), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "%s", etc_icon_map["umbrella_closed_outline"].c_str());
it.printf(padx, pady + 36 * 13, id(font1), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "[ 내일 ]");
it.printf(padx, pady + 36 * 14, id(font1), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "✽ 오전 날씨: %s", id(tomorrowweather1).state.c_str());
it.printf(padx, pady + 36 * 15, id(font1), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "✽ 오후 날씨: %s", id(tomorrowweather2).state.c_str());
it.printf(padx, pady + 36 * 16, id(font1), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "✽ 최고 온도: %.0f℃", id(tomorrowmaxtemp).state);
it.printf(padx, pady + 36 * 17, id(font1), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "✽ 최저 온도: %.0f℃", id(tomorrowmintemp).state);
} else {
it.printf(padx, pady + 36 * 8, id(font1), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT,"✽✽ 잠시만 기다리세요... ✽✽");
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